by jingoisticbuthornydesperado
1) Is it Anwar?
2) Is it Badawi?
3) Is it Najib?
4) Is it Mahatir?
Anwar? No, I don’t think so. He does not have the power to convince our judiciary to release RPK.
Najib? No! Who is an idiot who would have wanted to release RPK after all the misery Najib has put RPK through? RPK has a score to settle, well that is what Najib fears anyway! But whether or not RPK will put country or personal vendetta first, I think it is an answer we would have already all guessed pretty accurately. Not to mention the articles that RPK write about has been a venom to Najib’s political career.
Mahatir? Bollocks! This is a twat who complains about restriction of free speech when he is the perpetrator behind almost absolute control of the mainstream media. A malicious hypocrite I should say. He supports Najib to become the PM, that would have been in my opinion, endorsing putting RPK behind bars to ensure Najib’s safe passage to the creme de la creme of all political posts.
Badawi? Yes, I do think so. This guy whom we love to despise ironically could be the very guy to have allowed for the release of RPK. I don’t think Badawi is the leader of the Gamorrah, he is just a really, really inadequate administrator who listens to all the wrong advises like George W. Bush Junior. However, he in my opinion is a very formidable ‘chess’ player. Twice he has played better than expected by Mahatir. The first one is the ‘promise’ to pass the premier post to Najib after his first term as prime minister. The second one is to have out-think Anwar to prevent September 16 from becoming a reality. By the way, Mahatir thinks Badawi is no match for Anwar ‘chess’ play. Maybe Badawi is an idiot, it is just that his political opponents have been extremely jinxed, hence Badawi is able to come right to the top for now…..
All of us, including RPK I suspect, know that Najib will make a more disgusting PM than Badawi. RPK will devote more resources from preventing Najib’s ambition from becoming a reality. Anwar launching another take over in December if we are to believe Anwar, which might be true considering the economic and financial chaos gripping the world. Badawi is in control of the military, Syed Hamid Albar will have to watch his back this time before putting RPK back into ISA because he no longer has the military support of Najib. Najib will be attacked from the sides, from the front and from the back.
While Najib is trying to tighten up all the screws (together with Mahatir?), Badawi is hecticly loosening the bolts and nuts. He has given Najib the most undesirable job of the country at the moment, control the military, release RPK (with the support of the military?). Are we seeing a rise in political temeprature again? I would think so. Maybe Badawi is truely a reformer but with Najib in the way all these years. Or maybe he is going for a Kamikaze attack? Or maybe he is a cohort of Anwar? The latter seems like a histrionic fantasy.
We pin all our hopes on Anwar succeeding in his quest and release RPK. But in the world of extreme juxtaposition, Badawi turned out to be THE ONE!